Interested in National Wellness Coach Certification? Here's Your Resource Center.
The standards for becoming a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) continue to evolve. Here, we’ve put together a wellness coach toolkit to help guide you through the process of earning the credentials needed to apply for the National Board Certification exam from the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). We also explain the big changes in requirements as of October 2020!

Podcast: The Future of Coaching with NBHWC Executive Director

In this episode, NBHWC Executive Director Leigh-Ann Webster joins us to discuss the future of health and wellness coaching.
Video: 4 Key Things to Consider in a Coaching Certification
In this brief video, Dr. Bradford Cooper walks through 4 of the key things to consider when making your choice.
Article: Everything You Need to Know to Become a Certified Wellness Coach

Everything you need to know about the evolution of the national certification for wellness coaches, including changes for 2021.