Welcome to the Catalyst Specialty Certificate Programs. If you’re a coach looking to expand your client toolbox, enhance your skillset and differentiate your coaching services, you’ve come to the right place. These programs have been created with you in mind and are taught by world-class experts on the subjects provided. Upon successful completion of these programs, you will receive a specialty certificate and earn the associated designation (e.g., fMTc, SCSc) which you can then integrate into your resume, marketing materials and other related professional aspects of your coaching. The Specialty Training Certificates are approved CE courses through the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching.
Functional Mental Toughness (fMT) and Resilience Specialty Certificate Program [fMTc Designation]
This one-of-a-kind training is taught by the creator of functional mental toughness, Brad Cooper, PhD, MSPT, MBA, ATCr. The 11-module self-paced program integrates a combination of video, webinar and podcast elements, along with a personalized case study reviewed by a Catalyst mentor coach to insure application. Total time for the program is approximately 8 hours, available on-demand to fit with your scheduling preferences. You will learn to distinguish resilience, grit and fMT, how each support one another, and tap into a plethora of tools and resources to help your clients build and enhance their mental toughness (and thus resilience and grit). Integrating your new knowledge into your coaching practice will provide you with additional opportunities to serve executives, athletes and elite performers while also offering ways in which to support any client in moving their life forward in a positive direction. Currently available at the discounted price of $375 for the full training. Approved for 8 CE’s by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (CEA-000447-2)

Sleep Coaching Specialty Certificate [SCSc designation]
Sleep is absolutely core to our mental and physical wellbeing and is an extremely valuable tool for any coach to integrate into their client-centered coaching toolbox. However, as the inherent value of sleep has pierced the public domain, so too have the erroneous insights. That’s where your knowledge via the SCSc program becomes so valuable. This 8-module specialty program was developed and taught by Martin Jones, PhD, BSc, PGCHE, MSC, CSci, CPsychol, AFBPsS, SFHEA, one of the world’s top experts on the subject. In addition to his extensive academic credentials, he has also spent 20+ years supporting athletes, coaches, performance directors and military personnel. He is a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society, a Science Council Chartered Scientist, and a Health and Care Professions Council Registered Practitioner Psychologist. He currently represents the UK as the principal member of the NATO human factors and medicine panel, and he supports several human performance initiatives in the defense and security sector. This program is 6 1/2 hours in length and approved for 6.5 CE’s through the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (CEA-000447-3). The webinars are recorded and may be completed at your own pace. Total price for the training is $450.

Coaching C-MBA (Business of Coaching Program) – Coming soon!
This popular program is in the process of being fully updated to integrate the latest business insights specific to the world of health, wellness & high-performance coaching. Topics include financial considerations, pricing guidance, marketing and sales strategies, budgeting, creating a clear vision (personally and professionally) and much more!