Welcome! We are excited to offer a variety of NBHWC Approved Continuing Education courses!
All of the courses include on demand webinars, handouts with information and resources, and a certificate of completion following a quiz. Once purchased, you may access your courses 24/7 and may watch them all at once or at a slower pace – the choice is yours! Each course includes instruction specific to the topic as well as client scenarios to illustrate how you might integrate this material into a coaching session.
These courses are recommended for experienced coaches who are wanting to deepen their coaching knowledge and skills. Each course focuses on a specific topic within the lens of coaching and includes coaching scenarios from real experiences! The number of CE’s is listed within the blue highlighted bar next to the course title, for example, CEC 1.5 means the course is 1 1/2 hours in length and 1.5 CE’s.
You do not have to be a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach to purchase these courses, but they are approved for continuing education credit for NBC-HWC‘s.
To register, go to the specific course you would like to take. Your first step is to create an account on the Catalyst site or to log into your account. Once logged in, you will choose the payment option of choice listed below the course (no promo code is needed). The course is available to you 24/7. Access the course by logging into your account and under My Status, choosing “My NBHWC Approved CE Courses”. Then select the webinar box to begin. The quiz will populate once all webinars in your bundle are complete.
Refund Policy: Online webinar purchases are non-refundable. However, if you are not satisfied with your webinar purchase, you will have the option to exchange the credit for another topic as long as you have not completed and printed your certificate.
If you have any questions or need help resetting a password, contact us at results@catalystcoachinginstitute.com . We are happy to help!
See more of our NBHWC approved offerings
- See NBHWC approved Specialty Certifications/Programs
- See NBHWC approved in person Retreat & Symposium Registration is open for September Colorado Retreat! (14 CE’s)
- See NBHWC approved virtual Catalyst Connect Group March 2025 small group cohort is now accepting registrations! (13.5 CE’s)

CEC Course Packages
Continuing Education Courses
Integrating Emotional Intelligence into our Coaching (CEC 1.5)
Emotions matter! Emotional intelligence is not typically a skill taught to us as children but is something we learn from watching those around us. The good news is that emotional intelligence is a skill that we can learn and develop. This webinar explores what is an emotion, why emotions matter for us and our relationships, tools to tune into our emotions and how to respond rather than react. During our coaching sessions, our clients are experiencing and sharing emotions. An understanding of emotions will empower us as coaches to better support our clients during the coaching session. And creating a toolbox of ideas for emotional regulation will provide great resources to share with our clients who are wanting to develop their own emotional regulation skills!
Ryann Hierholzer is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach. She holds an M.S. degree in Kinesiology and has a background in coaching at both the high school and college level. Ryann has also competed as a professional athlete. Suzanna Cooper is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach and a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Upon completion of the course, the coach will be able to:
- Describe an emotion and explain the impact on emotional and physical health.
- Identify specific tools for emotional regulation.
- Examine scenarios where emotional intelligence skills are integrated into a coaching session.
The Built Environment and Wellbeing (CEC 1.5)
The Built Environment & Wellbeing course is designed to bring insight and awareness to Wellness Coaches about the impact interior environments have on our clients' health and wellness. You will learn the impact that factors, such as Thermal Comfort, Lighting and Views, Acoustics, Biophilia, Color, Clutter and Organization, and Ergonomics, have on our wellness. The instructor addresses steps you can take to improve wellness in each of these areas of the built environment. She will talk through case studies, coaching scenarios, and coaching tips and questions to help you, as a Wellness Coach, identify when building-related issues may be affecting your clients.
The instructor, Chris Hughes, is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Registered Architect, and Interior Designer. She is a professional wellness coach, mentor coach, and instructor for the Catalyst Coaching Institute as well as a practicing commercial designer. She is excited to share this topic that brings together both sides of her professional life, so coaches can recognize in their clients and themselves when aspects of the interior environment are both positively and adversely impacting their wellbeing. Upon Completion of the course, the coach will be able to:
- Identify strategies to improve a client's well-being through changes in their environment through thermal comfort, lighting and views, acoustics, biophilia, color, organization and ergonomics.
- Describe the Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sick building syndrome (SBS) and building related illness (BRI) and how it affects well-being.
Practical Elements to Enhance Resilience, Grit and Mental Toughness (CEC 1.5)
Mental toughness is generally viewed through the "toughness" lens, leaving the cognitive strategies involved out of the equation. As a result, many (if not most) individuals discount the influence of this valuable resource in their own lives, thinking the concept applies to others (professional athletes, Navy Seals, etc). This webinar turns the table on that traditional assumption, introducing what recent research demonstrates about the ability every one of us -- and our clients -- have to improve our own "functional mental toughness" through the integration of specific cognitive strategies and thus improve our outcomes. Within the format of thrive, prepare and activate, we will discuss concepts of resilience, grit and building new foundations and skills. While obviously applicable to athletes, the strategies provided can be applied to any pursuit, from weight management to tough relationships, financial disciplines to enhanced work performance. If you're looking for a coaching tool that will allow you to provide your clients with an extra boost in performance across a range of pursuits, this program will provide a solid start.
Dr. Cooper is a human performance junkie, seeking out insights to optimize reality for individuals, teams and organizations for 35+ years. Highlights of his career can be summarized into 3 words: Mind... Body... Business:
- Mind: He holds a PhD in Performance Psychology, has been a national columnist for 20+ years, had his research published in peer reviewed journals internationally, written 5 books, and spoken professionally in all 50 states plus multiple times across Europe.
- Body: He earned a Masters degree from the nation's top physical therapy school as well as being a certified athletic trainer, has completed 11 Ironmans (including 4 times at the World Championship in Hawaii) won the Race Across America, and was recognized by multiple publications as "The World's Fittest CEO" in 2016.
- Business: He is the CEO of US Corporate Wellness, co-founder of the Catalyst Coaching Institute, holds 2 US Patents, an MBA, and hosts a popular international health & wellness podcast.
Upon Completion of the course, the coach will be able to:
- Describe mental toughness and how it can be applied in wellness coaching.
- Identify specific cognitive strategies to improve functional mental toughness.
- Integrate concepts within the categories of prepare, thrive and activate into daily activities.
Partnering with Adolescent and Young Adult Clients (CEC 1.5)
Young-adults and adolescents are not mini adults. Their bodies and brains continue to change and won’t reach full maturity until their mid to late 20s. Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development greatly impacts the way an individual interprets the world around them and influences self-awareness and decision making. Coaches who have a strong grasp of developmental processes and the unique characteristics of this age group will be better equipped to partner with younger clients and support their continued growth and overall wellbeing.
Health and wellness coaches may come across adolescents and young adults within various settings. These could include private practice, where parents may be seeking support for their adolescent or young adult child, within the corporate setting where young adults are just entering the workforce, or through coaching within healthcare settings.
Through this course, participants will develop a stronger understanding of the developmental processes at play with this client group. They will learn to identify some of the challenges and red flags that may be more common with adolescents and young adults, situations that may be outside the coach’s scope of practice and considerations for working with minors. Coaches will also hear about real-life scenarios to help them put this information into practice.
- Identify the impact of one’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development on decision making and self-awareness.
- Discuss important ethical considerations in working with the adolescent and young adult population.
- Describe potential red flags with this population and explore action steps to increase client support when needed.
Intuitive Eating and Tips To Boost Your Energy (CEC 3.0)
Intuitive Eating is known as a non-diet approach to eating and wellness, but it is so much more! Intuitive Eating can help your clients break the cycle of chronic dieting by healing their relationship with food, and with themselves. In part one of this webinar, we will dissect the main concepts of Intuitive Eating, explore current research supporting Intuitive Eating, and work through case studies highlighting specific action plans so you can help your clients. You hear folks talking about not having time to spend on their wellness, but in reality, what they are lacking is the energy. In part two of this webinar, Suzanne explains how to focus on energy boosts and decrease energy drains covering many topics such as improved nutrition, better stress management, sleep enhancement and increased activity. For each topic, client scenarios are discussed so that you can assist your client to determine the best action plan.
Suzanne Brown is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) and wellness coach with over 25 years of experience teaching clients how to incorporate Intuitive Eating into their daily lives so they can eat everything from cookies to carrots.
Upon completion of the webinar, the coach will be able to:
- Describe the principles of intuitive eating.
- Utilize the Hunger-Fullness Scale as a coaching tool
- Explore energy boosters such as healthy eating, hydration, decreasing stress, sleep and activity.
Tools and Techniques for Conquering Habits (CEC 3.0)
This course will explore a variety of coaching tools and techniques that are designed to help your clients move forward in a positive and encouraging way. Part 1 of the course will discuss Values, Identifying Beliefs, Shifting Perspectives and using Powerful Questions, which can all be used, to discover your clients' desires on a deep, personal level. With a variety of exercises, questions and scenarios, you will be able to take these tools and apply them to your own unique coaching style and areas of expertise. Not only will you learn some effective tools to use as a coach, you may also have some fun learning about yourself too!
In part 2 of this course, you will learn how to better enable your client to create and sustain positive habits with actionable, accessible tips. You will be exposed to the psychological mechanisms behind habit-making as well as focus on tangible strategies to ditch negative habits and plant desirable ones. This course also addresses how to improve client relationships using Non-violent Communication, as well as explores handling the most challenging client scenarios. Learn how to tackle negativity, defensiveness, low motivation and more with specific tools and a new outlook.
Sabryna Liddle is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience as a coach. She is an instructor and mentor coach and also has a Masters of Science in Wellness and Health Promotion Management. Susan McGarry is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach with over 9 years of experience as a coach. She is an instructor, mentor coach.
Upon completion of this course, the coach will be able to:
- Describe how values, beliefs, and perspectives are important in coaching.
- Identify strategies to explore values, beliefs, and perspectives in coaching.
- Generate questions to explore ambivalence, wellness vision, and goal setting with a client.
- Describe the latest coaching techniques to help clients break bad habits and create good habits.
- Apply nonviolent communication techniques in coaching to improve the relationship and communication with the client.
- Identity challenging coaching scenario techniques for best client outcomes.
Design Your Best Life by Focusing on Vision, Values, Energy Management and Boundaries! (CEC 4.5)
This course focuses on how to live with intention by clarifying personal values and life priorities, creating a vision and writing a personal mission statement. You will explore a wide variety of time and energy management strategies and discuss how to integrate these ideas into your coaching sessions. We take a deep dive into the important topic of boundaries! A consistent inability to set personal and professional boundaries can drain physical and emotional energy and lead to feelings of overwhelm, resulting in chronic stress and negatively affecting well-being. This course will help coaches support those clients who may be over-achievers, people-pleasers, have intense feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out) or individuals who simply need to recognize the value of their own time and energy. Specific coaching strategies will be offered to help clients increase awareness of the need for stronger boundaries, reconnect with their values, and make better choices for their self-care.
Upon completion of this course, the coach will be able to:
- Explore behavior change with clients through vision generating questions, vision exercises and creating long and short-term goals.
- Facilitate creating a vision and a personal mission statement.
- Evaluate life balance with clients using the 4 quadrants of Steven Covey's time management matrix.
- Integrate the concepts of energy management into goal setting.
- Describe the impact boundaries have on client energy, time, values, and overall well-being.
- Address clients' self-defeating perceptions and emotional drain from a lack of boundaries.
- Explore with the client specific strategies to increase client awareness, shift perspective, engage in self-talk, and increase self-compassion by setting better boundaries internally and externally.
- Increase client self-efficacy by helping the client to clarify role and responsibilities and engaging the client in practicing setting expectations.
Tapping into Positive Psychology, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Coaching (CEC 4.5)
This three-part series focuses on current research, foundational theories and specific client scenarios demonstrating how to take your coaching to the next level. In part 1, learn why the science of Positive Psychology and wellness coaching go hand in hand. You will get exposed to the origins of Positive Psychology as well as reasons why the theories and studies done within the field are important for wellness coaches to understand and integrate within their coaching practice. In addition, you will learn detailed examples of tools and techniques that you as a coach can share with your clients so they can tap into the Power of the Positive and create that positive spiral in their lives, resulting in improved happiness and health. In part 2, this course dives into mindfulness and explores what it means to be mindful and how to share this with our clients. What are reasons to practice mindfulness and how is it tied to changing behavior? How can we explain mindfulness to our clients and what are some simple ideas for increasing mindfulness that we can share? How do we recognize when we are not being present during our coaching sessions -- maybe we are steering the conversation, over-resonating with the topic, planning our next question, etc. This webinar is full of practical tips, suggested apps, recommended resources and even an example of how to guide a client through a mindfulness practice with a scripted breath and body meditation created by the instructor, Laura Henelund.
In part 3 of the course, we will examine an important concept for you as a coach and your client. Self-Compassion is a strength, a skill, and a positive way to tame our inner critic and overcome challenges. By relating to ourselves with kindness, understanding that we are all connected, and being mindful and accepting of our own suffering we have the ability to reach our potential, support ourselves in our wellness, and maintain our success.
Upon completion of the course, the coach will be able to:
- Describe five elements that promote happiness in a person.
- Discuss why positive psychology is important in physical and mental health.
- Implement positive reframing strategies with clients through strength-based coaching.
- Identify how mindfulness practice affects mental and physical well-being.
- Describe the benefits of mindfulness techniques in changing behavior.
- Guide a client in a 6-7 minute mindfulness practice.
- Apply coaching techniques for practicing mindfulness for nutrition, chronic pain, smoking cessation, and stress reduction.
- Describe self-compassion in coaching and how it increases well-being.
- Identify self-compassion exercises including the 3 components of self-compassion to explore in coaching clients.
- Evaluate barriers to self-compassion in clients.
Supporting Clients with Chronic Conditions and/or Tobacco Cessation Goals (CEC 6.0)
What role should you as a wellness coach play in the care of a client with a chronic condition? We will provide an overview of some of the most common conditions you will see among your clients so that you will better understand the conditions. We will also provide real life client scenarios to assist you in formulating how to best assist your clients while remaining within your scope of practice. This course includes 4 parts. The conditions covered in part 1 of this course will include the following: Diabetes, Arthritis, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Heart Disease. Part 2 of this course expands on how to coach and support our clients with Cancer, Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder.
Part 3 of the course focuses on helping our clients know their numbers! You will gain an understanding of what each of the biometric screening results mean, and how to educate your clients about their importance. You will also come away with proven and practical tips to share on how to improve these numbers through healthy eating and exercise. Jamie Cook brings her expertise as a nurse and a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach to parts 1, 2 and 3 of this course. And finally, part 4 of this course focuses on coaching our clients on tobacco cessation. You will explore various layers of the smoking addiction such as emotional and psychological dependency, nicotine addiction, triggers and habitual pairings, and the hand to mouth habit. In addition, you will learn practical tools such as how to address the client's readiness for change, specific questions to use in the "quitting conversation", and tips to helping your client become smoke free. Laura Henelund is certified as a QuitSmart Leader and has worked with numerous clients in their journey to become smoke free during her time as a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach.
Upon completion of this course, the coach will be able to:
- Describe scope of practice in working with clients with chronic conditions.
- Identify the risk factors, measurement standards, and screening procedures for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and lung disease.
- Recognize medical red flags for common chronic diseases, depression and anxiety.
- Discuss specific ways to support clients in managing a chronic condition.
- Create a quit plan with the coaching client that addresses the 4 layers of tobacco addiction.
- Utilize motivational interviewing techniques to explore the client's own motivation to quit smoking, their confidence in moving forward and their support systems to enhance their success.
- Describe the impact boundaries have on client energy, time, values, and overall well-being.
- Address clients' self-defeating perceptions and emotional drain from a lack of boundaries.
- Explore with clients specific strategies to increase client awareness, shift perspective, engage in self-talk, and increase self-compassion by setting better boundaries internally and externally.