
Wellness Coaching Taste Test?

“Wellness Coaching” is a lot like food. I can describe a specific food in great depth, from size to color to smell, texture, the way it’s grown and cooked and even my personal experience with that particular food. However, until it hits your tongue, you don’t really have any idea what I mean. Yes, maybe you’ll have a pre-conceived notion based on previous experience with that or a similar food. But it’s not the same…
Wellness coaching is much the same. I can describe it in great detail, share how it impacted me in a positive way. However, until you actually experience personalized wellness coaching for yourself, well… you really can’t “get it.” The partial exception, as with food, is if you have had some sort of “wellness coaching” in the past, then you assume it’s similar. When it comes to wellness coaching, it rarely is…
A few months ago, a hospital out in CA asked if we could integrate our US Corporate Wellness coaching into their current HRA/Biometrics. They didn’t need us to provide the entire wellness program, as they already had many of the pieces in place.  They’d heard about our coaching methodology and thought it made sense to check it out. So they did. We set 5 of their Executives up with a sample wellness coaching session. The feedback from all of them was positive, and a couple of them even asked if they could pay out of pocket do do the coaching more often!  Yes – they launched the program for their employees shortly thereafter.
The value of a “taste test” doesn’t just apply to food. It can be just as effective when it comes to experiencing real wellness coaching. If you’re an employer, don’t treat all coaching as if it’s the same. Try it out for yourself! If you’re a wellness coach looking to grow your business, set up opportunities for potential clients to experience the value of your incredibly valuable service! What you do is an incredibly valuable and impactful service, but individuals must experience that service to fully understand.

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