
Recognize the Heart Sparks

21 days and we’ll be launching 2025. One request as you move through the next few weeks: Recognize the Heart Sparks.

What’s a heart spark? It’s those moments that take you deeper. Those moments your heart feels full. You step back, take it all in, and say “this is it…”  Maybe it’s a quiet moment with family, an exciting experience with friends, a peaceful moment to yourself, a song, sight, message, comment, or realization. It’s one of those moments that happen all around us each and every day, but we miss them in the midst of our hustle bustle and constant background noise.

But not this time. Between now and midnight on 12/31/24, let’s tune in, step back, pause, soak in, and maybe even jot a few down for future reference. One of the key elements discussed in this week’s “Not Done Yet!” article is the value of recognizing these heart sparks on the path to creating a clear, personal vision about our lives in the coming year. The simple act of noticing, and perhaps taking note of what you’re noticing, sets the stage for developing the initial elements of your own vision. And that, my friends, will provide wind beneath your soaring wings in 2025!

Soak it in and we’ll be back next week!

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