
Welcome To December

Welcome to (gulp)… December? While it’s a month that *can* encapsulate the “most wonderful time of the year,” it can also easily turn into the busiest & most stressful time of the year. So rather than adding anything to our already full list, let’s keep our aspirations for this month simple. In fact, let’s make it as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Resist the urge to “start” any health/wellness/performance goals this month.
  2. However, DO identify one personal holiday spike to hold steady this year. We all have a couple aspects of life we can easily let spiral in December, putting us in debt (physically or financially) come the new year. Maybe it’s sleep, alcohol intake, desserts, spontaneous purchases or any number of possibilities. What is your ONE and what is a singular tweak you could make this year to keep it from spiraling?
  3. That’s it. Take care of #1 & #2 and you’ll be on your way to a fresh new year in a few weeks!

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