What is your personal vision for yourself in 2025?
Wait… what? You mean goals, right Brad? Nope. Your vision. The goals are the “what.” The vision is the “who.” Interestingly, once the vision is clear, the goals essentially achieve themselves (and a little hint about New Year’s Resolutions – if they fall flat, it’s a clear sign they’re not aligned with your – conscious or unconscious – vision).
2025 marks my 13th year of investing time developing a clear personal vision. It originally started on our family’s annual 15-hour car ride over the holidays, when my daughter created a colorful rendition of a phrase that became my first version: “Treasure this moment… Optimize the next.” Over the years, I’ve had fun creating various visual representations but the process remains the same: Begin in November pondering potential, noticing glimpses of possibility, and collecting a range of words, phrases and my chicken-scratch representations of visuals that provide a heart spark. These are collected in a notepad or journal and revisited multiple times in November & December. Some spark other ideas, others are cut. Over time, the vision comes together. I shared a more detailed overview of the process here and a short video w/ examples here.
There are no rules. This is for you. Perhaps you’ll choose to share it with a few close friends or maybe it’s for your eyes only. In either case, please note the PROCESS, rather than the outcome, is where the value is greatest. Yes, it’s fun having a vision you can use as your northern star throughout the year on the direction you’re moving. But it’s even more valuable to, perhaps for the first time, invest some time discovering that still, small, voice and where it is nudging you forward.
Can you see it? You will soon…