Today marks yet another significant crossroads in the history of the United States. Millions of us will head to the polls (or have previously mailed in our ballot) to freely cast our vote on a number of issues, candidates, and, of course, our choice for President of the United States of America. It’s a beautiful privilege… a private matter for each of us to decide, independent of peer pressure or the onslaught of ads. As we await the results tonight (and potentially in the days ahead), there is likely to be some anxiety, perhaps even some fear about how the results will shape the future of our country.
In the process, it is more important than ever to keep our focus on the Catalyst Cornerstones: Move, Fuel, Rest, Connect. Regardless of the outcome of the election, WE have direct control over these 4 aspects of our lives. Additionally, as we do dial in the Cornerstones, our response to the outcome (whether good or bad in our minds), our NEXT step becomes far more effective. When our Cornerstones are out of kilter, we’re far more likely to lash out in anger rather than building bridges… more likely to retreat to our cave than to reach out to those in need.
The coming days will likely be challenging for all of us, regardless of where we may sit on the political spectrum. Through the storm, we can keep our feet – and our heads – on solid ground via the Cornerstone Mindset: the 4 key areas that allow us to make a meaningful difference in an often confusing world.