
Coaching Right Turns

Right turns.  They are a surprisingly powerful tool when it comes to getting to a destination most effectively (ie – both faster and more safely).  That’s correct – when faced with the choice of a route with primarily right turns vs. one that involves a couple of left turns, you’ll almost always arrive more quickly when choosing the “right” way.

However, the benefits don’t stop there. Right turns also provide a safer route. Federal data actually shows that left turns result in almost 10 TIMES the number of accidents when compared to right turns. That’s clearly not a rounding error!

So right turns are faster and right turns are safer. So what does that have to do with wellness coaching?!?  Quite a bit, actually. As a Certified Wellness Coach, you are in the business of helping people make the most of their lives. That means helping them reach their target goal as efficiently (and, I suppose, safely) as possible. We are coaching right turns! And the more right turns we can encourage our clients to build into their lives (which we obviously refer to as “habits”), the more effectively our clients will meet those goals.

Left turns in life are all around us. Junk food and TV Time might be little left turns, while a moral compromise would represent a left turn across 4 lanes of freeway traffic. The more we can assist our clients in making right turns not just a choice but instead a habit, the better the outcomes. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional left turn (although let’s skip the freeway option), but coaching right turns are clearly the right way to go.


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