Dr. Cooper
Welcome to the latest episode of the Catalyst Health and Wellness coaching podcast. I’m your host, Dr Bradford Cooper and one of the most common questions we received here at the Catalyst Coaching Institute is how to create growth. So for independent wellness coaches, they’re asking how to grow the coaching business for wellness program managers. They want to know how to get more momentum or engagement from the employees that were supposedly doing their programs. So I look back over. All the books had read on this topic for the past 20 years, and I found the perfect guest. Mr Bob Burg. Mr. Burke has been helping individuals and organizations grow their businesses for 30 plus years. He’s the best selling author of multiple books, including The Gold Giver, Siri’s and Endless Referrals. Go Give Her has sold close to a 1,000,000 copies and has been translated into 28 languages. Today will be focused on providing you with practical tips on how to grow your business or the engagement in your program. Speaking of business, that’s actually one of the two tracks available at the Rocky Mountain Coaching Retreat in Symposium here in Colorado next fall. Now that’s a long way off, so no rush. But if you know you’re gonna join us or if you’d like to spread your registration cost over two different budget years here at the end of December, there is this what we’re calling a super early registration discount available through January 1st, and all the details about this really cool event are available. Catalyst Coaching institute dot com Under the retreat tab. As always, feel free to reach out to us anytime with questions you have about the coaching certification. Integrating more meaningful coaching into your organization’s well, the strategy or anything else on your mind. Results at Catalyst Coaching institute dot com No, let’s tap into the insights of Mr Bob Burg on this episode of the Catalyst. Health and Wellness Coach guest Bob Berg. It is a pleasure to have you on the show. I read your books. Oh, probably 20 years ago, I got a dog eared in my bookshelf. I keep coming back to him. Thanks for joining us. Oh, it’s my pleasure. Thank you. Absolutely so out of the gate. You’ve influenced a lot of people, both individuals and organizations, through your books. Can you Can you get us rolling by. Give us the premise of both endless referrals and the go giver. Siri’s, including the five laws that you talk about.
Mr. Burg
Sure well, the basic premise behind endless referrals, which was, Ah, how to book for people who you know, they loved what they did and they and they knew they brought significant value to their customers and clients. But they didn’t really feel comfortable with going out and and developing the kind of relationships that would result in new business and referrals. And as you know, you can have the greatest practice in the world you can. You can bring the most value to to everyone you do business with. But if you’re not able to to have new people in front of you to learn about you and learn about how they condemn if it from your service is, uh, you know you’re not gonna be in business for very long, exactly endless referrals was all about developing those relationships where well, let’s just say the premise was that all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those people they know like and trust. Ah, really? This is this is sort of the premise of of the go giver, which is a business parable. But we would say here we would. We would say that the basic premise is that shifting your focus from getting to giving and when we say giving in this context we simply mean constantly and consistently providing immense value to others and understanding that doing so is not only a pleasant way of conducting business, it’s actually the most financially profitable way as well. Very much so. It’s all about. It’s all about focusing on that other person, not just through your products or service is but through in every aspect, off that relationship building from when you first meet that person, whether it’s, ah, an outbound connection, you met this person at a local business social event or a charity event or wherever it happens to be. It’s from the time you first meet that person to the relationship building, process through the through the selling process, through the through the follow up and follow through, and then through the referral gathering process.
Dr. Cooper
Excellent, excellent. And in the five laws, just a quick summary force, I know we’ll be coming back to several of those, Yeah, those are
Mr. Burg
the laws of value, compensation, influence, authenticity and receptivity. The law value is really all about providing such an amazing experience with this. You know, for this person again from the moment you first meet them through, when you’re actually doing business with them and and obtaining referrals from them, providing such immense value that it’s that that they feel is, though they’re receiving much more than what they’re paying, which is true, while you are also making a very, very healthy profit. Ah, law number to the Law of Compensation says your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. So really long, number one says Give more in value or use value than what you take in payment. Law number two tells us the more people whose lives you touch with the exceptional value you provide, the more money with which you’ll be rewarded. Lot number three. The Law of Influence says your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interest first. Now, this does not mean you’re anyone’s doormat or a martyr or self sacrificial. Absolutely not at all. It’s simply understanding that again, All things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those people they know like and trust. And you know, there’s simply no faster, more powerful or more effective way to elicit those feelings from others toward you. Then, by moving from what we call an eye focus or me focus, too, and other focus. In other words, you’re making your win all about their win Law Number four’s The Law Authenticity, which simply says the most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself. And part of that is really understanding that you bring so much authentic value to the table that you don’t need to be selling on, trying to sell on low price or lowering your fees and so forth, but that you’re you’re so that you are selling on value. Yeah, that and and that’s very important. I hope we can get to that a little later. And Law number five is the law of receptivity, which says, you’re you’re, uh the key to effect of giving is to stay open to receiving, and this is nothing more than the fact that while you breathe out, you also have to breathe in. You know, we we we breathe out carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen, we breathe out, which is giving we breathe in which is receiving. And despite the messages from the world around us, that air so negative regarding money and prosperity and abundance. The fact is, giving and receiving are simply two sides of the very same coin. They’re not in opposition to one another. It’s not. Are you a giver or receiver? No. You’re a giver and a receiver, but you understand that the focus is on the giving. This is why John David Man, my co author, and I say that money is simply an echo of value. It’s the thunder, if you will, to values lightning, which means nothing more than the value comes first. Of course, that’s gotta be your focus. But then the money you receive is simply a very natural result of the value you provided. You know, we know that so many people, especially when it comes to coaching and especially in health and wellness, really many times they do see providing that great value and making money as a dichotomy. And I want to take people out of that. It’s a treacherous dichotomy. It’s a false dilemma that either or no, you should be providing immense value to your customers and clients, and you should be making a lot of money while you’re doing it
Dr. Cooper
very well, said Farewell said. Well, that sets up the next question. I had there really two critical areas for listeners that you do a fantastic job addressing. There’s growth. And then there’s engagement Would if we could start with growth now, whether somebody’s a health and wellness coach trying to build their business, or maybe a manager looking to enhance the impact to their program, maybe a
Mr. Burg
wellness program, maybe some other program, or someone who just
Dr. Cooper
wants to expand their posit influence when it comes to health moments with friends, family, people there around. What guidance would you
Mr. Burg
provide for that person that’s focused first on growth, and then we’ll come back to the engagement side. Yeah, well, in terms of growth, referrals and introductions and recommendations are the best way to ah, you know, to really grow your business impact. More people there several reasons why referrals are so important and so beneficial one is that it’s simply easier to set the appointment with a referred prospect. Right, You’re going in on borrowed influence. Ah, with a referred prospect Price or your fee is generally less of an issue because again, that borrowed influence from another person and you’re already established as a person of value. Yes. Third, is it simply easier to close the sale if you will? And I want, you know, people who are in, ah, health and wellness coaching. You are in the business of selling your service is and and I know that just kind of sounds so yucky Thio, you know, because that happens, right? But But selling is a very positive thing. Ah, the and let’s we’ll go back to the referral aspect in a second. But let’s let’s talk about selling because it’s very important that you really feel good about being in sales, which you are now see. You know many people when they say why I don’t like to sell. What they really mean is they don’t like what they think selling ISS, knowing that’s that Stereotypical no fast talking, slick walking the sales guy, right, who glad ends back and slap handshakes and sticks. Business card. Right? You know that and they think that selling is is trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t want or need. Well, that’s not selling. That’s called being a con artist. So that has nothing to do with selling her height. Selling is by definition simply discovering what the other person does want, need or desire in helping them to get And, you know, selling the It’s interesting. The old English root of the word cell was salon, which meant to give. So when you’re selling your literally giving that someone might say, Well, wait a second. Isn’t that just semantics? I don’t think so. And here’s why. Let’s say you’re in front of this person who’s considering becoming a new client of yours. Well, you are in the sales process. So what are you giving them? If you’re selling, what are you actually giving them? I suggest you’re giving them time, attention, counsel, education, empathy and ultimately, significant value. So if you’re in, if you if this is what you’re doing, you are in sales and you should be proud of that, and I want you to embrace that. So with that in mind, ah, you know that third benefit of refer over referred prospect is it’s typically easier to complete the transaction or close the sale. This is from borrowed trust or what we call by Carrie iss experience because no, this new person you’re talking to hasn’t. Ah hasn’t been treated by you yet or hasn’t hasn’t been a client of yours yet, But someone who they know like and trust has said yes, this is the person you want to go with. This is the person who will take good care of you. This is the person who has your best interests at heart, and that’s very powerful. And the fourth benefit of a referred prospect Is there already of the mindset that that’s how you do business? Because, well, that’s how they met you. So in their model of the world, you meet new prospects to referral. You sell on high value rather than low price. You complete the transaction and you receive additional referrals. So, uh, that’s that’s why you really wanna have referrals. Now, can we take a few minutes to discuss You know how to ask for referrals correctly so that you you increase the chances of your receiving them?
Dr. Cooper
That would be incredibly valuable and I don’t want to forget to ask you also, in addition to that individual growing their business, the person that’s expanding an internal program So they’re running a, um, organizational wellness program or human resource program that’s diving into the wellness piece. And they’re wanting to engage more employees in the process, so we can we can touch on that later. I just want to forget to come back to that because we’re giving This is so valuable
Mr. Burg
Short. Well, thank you. So, you know, let’s say you have this person in front of you and they were very happy client and what I’m gonna suggest instead of just going right into asking for referrals, I’m gonna suggest something I call the referral bridge or bridge phrase. What is a bridge? Well, in the, um, in the physical world of bridges, a structure that transports you from one safe piece of land to another safe piece of land. In this case, the bridge is a phrase that transport you from one safe piece of land that no like and trust relationship to another safe piece of land where you can ask for referrals in such a way that both you and your client now referral source. Potential referral source. Both feel very, very comfortable with the process. And then once you attain their buy in for referrals, now you can. You’ll be able to ask in the appropriate way, which will also go through So the referral bridge might be, Let’s say your client’s name is Dave, and you might say, Dave, I’m in the process. Or you could even say I’m doing a lot more of my business now are focusing a lot more of my business through referrals, and I find it’s helpful to partner with my friends and clients such as you. Can we take a few quick minutes and run past the names of some other people? I might also be able to help. Now let’s go through this kind of section by section and look at why it’s It’s such a powerful phrase to utilize. So you start out by saying I’m in the process of expanding my referral business, or I’m focusing more on Maur, building my business through referrals and okay, does your kind of letting this person know what you’re doing? And I find it helpful to Hartner partners, a keyword because you’re giving them ownership partnership within your success, I find it’s helpful to partner and again helpful shows. Yeah, helpful, but not You’re not desperate, right? It’s helpful to and notice how we’re saying this in a very calm, very, you know, we’re saying this with posture, which is that lack of the emotional attachment to the result. If they provide referrals, great, we prefer it, but we’re not attached to it. So if they don’t, our sense of happiness and peace of mind is not gonna be effective. The neat thing about this is, the more posture you have, the greater the chances are they’re gonna feel so comfortable that it’s gonna be a lot easier to attain referral. So, sure, I’m in the process of a rhyme, doing more and more of my business with a focus on referrals. I find it’s helpful to partner with my friends and clients such as you. Now the next part of this is Keith. Can we take a few quick minutes and run past the names? Now what we’re what we’ve used here is what I call fast language or quick language. You’re not saying it quickly. You’re not rushing through it. But the words you’re using imply correctly that you’re respecting their time. Okay, You’re not gonna take up a lot of their their time. So listen to these fast words. Can we take a few wick minutes and run past and then the names of some other people I might also be able to help. No notice. I said who I might also be able to help. The reason why we use the word might is we want to let them know that you know, we’re fine if they are interested. And we’re also fine if they’re not interested because we know that not everyone’s gonna be. And what you’re really doing is you’re letting this person know you’re you’re letting your referral source know that there’s never gonna be any pressure on anyone They refer to you because, you know, that’s a key reason why people sometimes don’t want to refer. People done other things. And so we’re just letting you know we’re giving them that. Oh, or backdoor that out is the, you know, emotional escape hatch, because people want to be in control off of their decisions, which they should be. And so when we say White mayor may not be able to help. That’s that really gives them peace of mind. So let’s just let’s just want run through it one more time. I’m in the process of expanding my referral business or I’m building my my business now with a bigger focus on referrals and introductions. You know, however you want to say it, and I find it’s helpful partner with my friends and clients such as you. Can we take a few quick minutes and run past the name of some other people? I might also be able to help now if if by some chance they say, Well, I don’t know if I know anybody or whatever, you just you know, you listen and you let them finish. You don’t interrupt and you’re not defensive at all. But you simply say, Oh, that’s fine. I’m gonna give you a couple of really easy ways the pick of some people who you feel might benefit. And if you do great. If not, we can always maybe do it another time. So again, you’re very cool about it, and you’re you’re very ah,
Dr. Cooper
you know, there’s no anxiety here. There, you know? No emotion.
Mr. Burg
It’s right, but the chances are they’re going to say, Uh, yeah, sure, Now here’s where most people make a mistake. And believe me, I did the same thing when I first began in sales, and that is to say, who do you know who might be in order? Do you know anybody who might be entered and what they’ll usually say when you ask that way? And I’ll tell you why in a moment they’ll usually respond by really thinking about it and then saying, Well, I can’t think of anybody right now but when I do, I’ll let you know and they probably won’t let you know only because they’re now going on with their own life and they’re not thinking of you, you know? And so, um, but it’s really not their fault, because when we say, Do you know anybody who are Who do you know? You know, we all know about 253 100 people, both directly and indirectly, and so when we ask a general question, who do you know, or do you know anyone who Ah, collage of 250 to 300 people just kind of dance through their head, you know, past their mind and they can’t really, um they can’t really distinguish anyone, and it’s and it’s frustrating to them. They feel bad because they want to help. Remember, they know, like and trust you. And they want to help their friends who who would benefit from your service is. And so it’s frustrating and then it’s, you know, and nothing’s gonna happen. So instead, let’s take the advice of Tom Hopkins, who in his book and I remember reading this in his book about 40 years ago, his book is called How to Master the Art of Selling. And he devoted all of about 1/2 page to this one thing I gotta tell you, it is one of the most powerful, powerful principles that you can possibly utilize. And what he talked about was gently helping people funnel down their world into small groups of people they could easily identify. And then what we’re really doing in this case is we’re helping create the context for them to be victorious and be able to come up with names as opposed to be frustrated. So let let it can we run through just a scenario where
Dr. Cooper
20. Great. Yeah. So, uh,
Mr. Burg
what did I say your client’s name was Jim or Dave or something like that? We’ll say, we’ll say, Dave. And And so we say And we know Dave is a golfer, and we say, David, I know you love to golf and he says, Oh, yeah, I’m out there every Sunday After What did you play with? Different people every time are the same people who don’t know the same people every time. Harry Brown. Ah, Michael Cloud, Dr. Mary Rue Art. The four of us. We have been golfing buddies for years. Well, boom. He has just now identified three people. So now we might say, Would would would Harry or Michael or Dr Mary, Do you feel any of them would be open to or however
Dr. Cooper
in? And this is, ERM you know,
Mr. Burg
your your ends in terms of asking of how you would actually phrase the question, But, um, but, you know, and maybe one of them, maybe to home all three of them. Maybe none of them. But he’s now feeling confident that he can come up with this because you’ve set him up to succeed. So now let’s go. We know, uh, Dave is also a member of his local ah, Rotary Club. And again, we don’t ask. Is there anyone in your road or because it could be too big a club? So we say, Is there anyone in your your rotary who you sit next to every time or particularly good friends with her? Maybe serve on a committee with So again? This now, you know, brings it down to two people or so that he comes up with right away. Uh, you know, Mary Johnson and in Tom Smith and said Now we ask about either of them again. Maybe both of them. One of them, None of them. Let’s go to another. You know, we know that he’s also chair of his local humane society, and we say, Oh, and we see how many serving on the bored with you. David, there’s myself and four others were. Four is a good number. So we may be asked him. They’ve thinking of the people on your board, all four of them, just one at a time. Which of them, if any and again, if any, is that you know that out or that backdoor center do you feel might be good candidates for or who would, you know, welcome My caller who would be interviewed again, however, uh, and and again it may. But here’s the thing within those those frames, he’s gonna he’s gonna come up with a name or two, and once he does and now his confidence is up. Now you know that one or two people that’s gonna remind him of other people and he’s gonna feel very easy about it, he’s and so And remember, you can keep asking in terms of frames. You can even go to his alphabet list of job classifications. A. Who does he know? Who’s an automobile sales person or B A banker? See Chiropractor D dentist again, Uh, I’m just I’m putting these out there, but you know, there’s always a time in places to how many you ask and how long, and you know, it depends on different things. But that’s basically how you would, how you would help that person to provide you with with really good high quality referrals.
Dr. Cooper
Beautiful. That’s so helpful. Thanks for bring this kind of little a little more specific example there because I think people get their arms around that. Very well. Farewell. Done. Um, all right, so the second part in this tie’s a little bit into what I was talking about on the program side, too. Engagement. So you get to growth underway. And now how do we keep engagement? Or for that person who’s a program director? How did they get engagement? So they’ve got, you know, 1000 employees, and they’re wanting to have more participate in a wellness program they want to rise up to where it’s 4567 800 people. Any thoughts from some of your information that might be helpful for them in
Mr. Burg
that situation? Well, it’s very important that we, you know, we understand that this is where influence comes in because you think about the term influence and on a very, very basic level. Influence could be defined as the ability to move a person or persons to a desired action, usually within the context of a specific goal. And this is what you want to move people to do, to become engaged right, and, you know, that’s the definition of influence. But I don’t think it’s the essence of influence. The essence of influence is pull pull as opposed to push, which is why great influencers don’t Push, writes that old saying. How far can you push a rope? And we all know the answer is not very far, at least not very fast, right here, very effectively that grows so great. Influences don’t don’t don’t push. Um, really influence is pull. It’s an attraction, and this is what the best influencers do. They and and really, what they do is they attract people first to themselves and on Lee, then to their ideas. And the best influencers understand something very, very basic about human nature. And this was pointed out in Dale Carnegie’s classic How to Win Friends and Influence People written back in the 19 thirties. And I believe this one statement is the underlying premise of of, ah, Carnegie’s fabulous book, and that is this that ultimately people do things for their reason is not our or exactly so the great influence or what we call the genuine influencer is always asking themselves questions to make sure their own focuses is correct, that their focus is outward. In other words, it’s asking themselves, How does what I’m asking this other person to do. How does it align with their goals, right. How does it align with their wants with their needs with their desires? How does what I’m asking this this high or how does what I want this person to do? Are these lots of people to dio? How does it align with their values? What problems am I helping them to solve? How my late making their lives better? How am I bringing value to them in a way that they see it as being the value because value is always in the eyes of the beholder. So when we understand this and we we ask ourselves these questions thoughtfully, intelligently, genuinely, authentically, not as a way to manipulate another person or group of people into doing our will, it is a way of benefiting them. Now. That’s we when we’ve come a lot closer to earning their commitment, as opposed to trying to depend on some type of compliance which at best is unsustainable and it worth will actually cause people to sabotage the situation, consciously or unconsciously.
Dr. Cooper
Excellent. Excellent. Love it. All right, so, one of the most common questions we get from our graduates, people to go through the wellness coat certification is how to get started so they’ve learned how to coach. But now they need clients to coach or they’re in an employee setting. They’re running a program and they need people to participate. You’ve talked about the broader perspective on this and the attraction tied to the influence, Any thoughts, any advice you give right out of the gate to somebody in that situation that is literally standing at the other side of that bridge and saying, But Bob, how do I start? What’s my starting
Mr. Burg
point? Well, to the person who’s who’s in practice for themselves, you you’ve got to start meeting people and you’ve got to start, Ah, building your your sphere of influence. Hopefully, you have one to start with where you can contact people and let them know what you’re doing and what you’re looking to accomplish and how what you do benefits others and you from some of those people. You know, they some may become customers or clients, but what you’re really looking to do is is really benevolently leverage their sphere of influence and attain referrals that way, and that’s a good way to start But you also need to be going out and meeting people, and you need to put yourself around people who might either be potential perspective clients or great referral sources. And this could be everything from the stereotypical chamber of commerce. You know, business card exchange, which most people think. Well, those don’t work well. The reason they don’t work is because most people approached them with a ago taker attitude. You know, it’s it’s just get going. They’re handing out business cards talking about yourself and your service is and so forth. Where is what you want to do is when you go to one of these and again, it could be that it could be your kid’s ball game. It can be a It could be a charity event. It can be, ah, regular social get together. But when you meet someone, it’s to focus on that person, and this is gonna make it a lot easier for you, because again, as a health coaches, a wellness coaches somebody, you just don’t feel comfortable. And this is where, by the way, this is to your advantage. You don’t feel comfortable talking about yourself and about what you do and trying to sell yourself, right? So what I’m gonna do is suggest that instead, during this first conversation, you simply focus on the other person. Okay? And ask this person questions about themselves and about their business. So let’s say you meet Ah, Ellen and Ellen sells copying machines. That’s, you know, that’s what she does. She’s vice president of sales for Acme Office Products, and she and you ask her what she does. And she tells you I saw copying machines for acne. Really? You know, Vice President, Sales and Boban? She gives you her big elevator speech, and the whole thing just listened politely and so forth when she asked you what you do it just that you don’t have to come up with any kind of benefit statement elevator and nothing like that. Just say you’re, you know, ah, health and wellness coach or what? Whatever you want. Okay, but remember, don’t give her anything that’s that’s over the top because she’s not interested right now in you and your business. And she’s interested in herself and her business. So the best thing you can do is invest 99.9% of the conversation with Alan asking her questions about herself and her business. So I have what I call feel good questions, and they’re just what they sound like. They’re not sales in there, not prospecting. They’re not intrusive. They’re not invasive. They simply make this other person some feel good about herself, about the conversation and about you, and it totally takes the pressure off of you. And so So the first question you might ask Ellen, how did you get started selling copying machines are, uh, how did you get started as an office products professional? It’s a little more elegant way of of asking. And, you know, this is not a clever question. It’s not a slick question. People love talking about the you know themselves because, hey, who else asked them to share their story, write their own family, hasn’t asked them to share their story, how they got started in their business. But you have this person who they just met. Now the the next question the next fielded question. It’s sort of a follow up to that, and it sounds something like this. What do you enjoy most about what you d’oh or you know? Wow, you know, you must have had some fascinating experiences. What do you enjoy most about your work? Now, this is a question again that just by its very nature is feel good around. How does someone not feel good? Absolutely. During that. That question now. So you’ve asked a couple of these questions Now, Now, here’s what I’m gonna now suggest is that you asked what I call the one he question that will separate you from practically everyone this person has ever met. It’s not one of the feel good questions. It’s its own separate question. And it goes something like this. Ellen, how can I know if somebody I’m speaking with would be a good client for you? How can I know if somebody I’m speaking with would be a good client or, you know, a good customer? What have you done on asking that question? Well again, you’ve continued to show her that rather than being the typical person who’s just focused on themselves and selling their product or service, you absolutely are looking out for her best interest. You’re you’re looking to bring value to her life, and by the way, you can also a really elegant way of asking that question is to lead into it by saying, you know, L and I always love connecting good people with other good people. Tell me, how can I know if someone I’m speaking with is a good client for you? And, you know, she’ll just be amazed that you’ve that question. And so and I notice you have, you know, not put any of the of the focus on yourself. It has all been about her. And she’ll either, you know, ask you again to tell her more about what you two. Because now she’s really she’s a lot more interested in you. But even if that doesn’t happen, what you want to do is you want to get her business card because you’re gonna follow up by sending a personalized and written Thank you. Note that that that very night So it gets there the next day or the next day. So it gets there the day after and you know the notes going to simply say hi, Alan. It was a thank you was a pleasure meeting you. If I can ever refer business your way, I certainly will invest regards and then sign your name and put a number 10 envelope Handwrite the envelope. Blue ink hand stamp. Oh, by the way, some people might be thinking, What if What if? Um, she’s not in sales. So if you say you know a prospect that might not be something, it doesn’t matter. The same principle applies. It would be. How can I know? Someone I’m speaking with is someone you’d like to meet. Four would be a good connection for you. So we you know, we stay with the principal. So again, this is just, you know ah, little kind of tip of the iceberg type of thing, But it shows you how to get started in the relationship building process. And remember, it’s all about relationships and you’re gonna file open, follow through by keeping in touch. By the way you know you can, you can. You can certainly connect online on social media And but what you always want to do is just always be asking yourself, How can I bring value to this person? In a way, this person will will understand it to be a value, and it’s typically not about what you do but more about what they dio and eventually, and this could be two weeks, two months, one week, six month whatever. Ah, it when you feel a Zo, the relationship is at the point with this person knows, likes and trust you. Now you can contact this person about perhaps your service is or talk about getting together to maybe talk about each other’s business and, you know, mutually referring people. Or it just might be, depending upon what this person does that you let this person know that you’re in the process of expanding your referral business and you find it’s helpful to partner with your friends. You could just say in this case, your friends such as you, because she’s not your client. And can we take a few minutes over coffee to look a. Some people who I might be able to help you know something, would it? Whatever that happens to be so, But again, that’s just the, you know, really, the the first part of developing those relationships, the to the point that that the no like and trust is developed.
Dr. Cooper
But this is so good. This is exactly what people have asking for. So thank you. I want to be cognizant of your time so we’ll just wrap it up. Any final words of wisdom that you’d like to share with anyone is trying expand their influence in this world of health and wellness, whether it’s friends, their organization or as an independent wellness coach. Anything else you want to throw in that I haven’t teed up
Mr. Burg
with the right question? Well, I remember you after. I’d been in sales a couple of years and had Cem, Cem Cem success. But I certainly wasn’t at the point where I should have been, and I was working for a company at the time, and I came back to the office kind of disgusted at myself for not having completed a sale, which really should have happened because of a person would it could have really benefited from the product I was selling, and I remember one of the older guys there. He wasn’t even in sales. I don’t know exactly what he did, but still a nice guy. One of the guy didn’t say much, but whenever he did say anything, it was. It was generally pretty profound, and he said to me, Bird, can I give you some advice and I said, Sure, Please. D’oh! And he said, If you want to make a lot of money in business, in sales, he said, don’t have making money as your target. Your target, he said, is serving others Now. When you hit the target, you’ll get a reward, and that reward will come in the form of money. And you can do with that money whatever you choose, but never forget, he said. The money is simply the reward for hitting the target. It ain’t the target itself. Your target is serving others, and what I took away from that is the understanding that great salesmanship is never about the sales person. And it’s not even about the product or service. As important as your product or service is, it’s always about the other person and how they are going to benefit from it. And as long as you keep that in mind, you’re always nine steps ahead of the game in a 10 step game.
Dr. Cooper
Bob, what a great way to wrap up. Thank you so much. So much wisdom. Appreciate you jumping on again. I know your schedule is tight, so appreciate you making time for us and the best way for folks to keep an eye on you. Is there a Twitter account or a website you’d like to have him go
Mr. Burg
to? Yeah, I would say Go to berg dot com, bu RG dot com And there’s information on my books. You can always get a chapter toe toe. Look at it. Look through it first. Ah, to see if you like where it’s headed, then click through. Also, if you go to the blawg berg dot com slash block, I have a Siri’s of videos up there that you can watch. Ah, in which I really take you through the process. We call it, you know, endless referrals to go give her way. Hey, can actually take it through all the steps of cultivating that his relationship So you can go back and kind of watch them. They’re all about 2 to 3 minutes in length.
Dr. Cooper
Perfect. That is perfect. What a great reference. Thank you, sir. Thanks for jumping on. And we’ll definite keeping on things.
Mr. Burg
No, thanks for all the great work
Dr. Cooper
you’re doing. I appreciate you. You can see why he’s such a popular speaker and consultant, can’t you? Obviously there’s so much more in his books. But I love the way he took us through some of those key elements of making the connection that relationship the emphasis. As he mentioned, None of us like to sell. But if we’re going to make a difference, is where we’ve got to connect the dots between the needs of people and how we might be able to help. I loved how Bob did such a good job of walking us through that process, which focuses on the other person, just as you doing coaching, not trying to push something on them that they don’t need. I hope this was helpful to you. We’ve been light on guests addressing the business side of health and wellness. So Mr Berg was actually the first of three heavy hitters who will fill that gap between now in late February. So stay tuned for that. If that’s an interest for you. If one of your goals is to pursue your wellness coach certification and the national board exam, please be aware the requirements for the NBA’s W C board certification expand quite significantly when we get into late 2020. So now might be a good time to get the ball rolling. If that’s the direction you’re going now, we keep our fast track weekends small. It’s a maxi 24 people, so we have front loaded two of them in early 2020. If that’s a route, you’re going to give more people an opportunity. The ball rolling the 1st 1 is February 8th and ninth. The 2nd 1 is April 4th and fifth, and the detail, all the details and the six month no interest payment option, if that’s helpful to you, is available. Catalysts Coaching institute dot com. Now it’s our turn. How are we gonna take this information and make a bigger influence in this world? What hashtag better than yesterday will occur as a result of me listening to this episode? I’ve got some ideas. I hope you do, too. Thanks again for joining us. Please always feel free to reach out to us. The Results@Catalystcoachinginstitute.com If you need anything at all, this is Dr Bradford Cooper signing off. Make it a great rest of your day and I’ll speak with you soon. On the next episode of the Catalyst Health and Wellness coaching Podcast